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Hi Everyone. So I decided to write a blog post about a recent aspect of my work. I’ve started treating a great deal of chronic infectious disease, finding it as an underlying condition for a great deal of the chronic health problems afflicting our population.751px-IxodesRicinus2048

From my experience, at least in the unhealthy populations that seek me out for Naturopathic healthcare. It is present almost universally in people with autoimmune disorders, ad at very high levels in patients with mental illness, cancer, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and other serious disorders.

The idea of chronic infections causing derangement of health is one that dates back to Hahnemann. The idea of Miasms, chronic infections which predispose an individual towards ill health was proposed in his great work, the Chronic diseases, and formed an integral part of Homeopathy, as it came to develop over the next two centuries.

Naturopathic medicine has known of the concepts of miasm since it’s inceptionm but this concept was submerged through the great mid century lessening of holistic medicine of all kinds. With the dawning of awareness of infections such as HIV and Lyme, it has been redisovered.

For whatever reason, humans have the capacity to retain infections within themselves long term, without manifesting signs of infection, such as fever, swelling and pain. There are long term consequences for this, with dysfunction in almost any system being maintained or caused by these infections.

Previous understandings of chronic infections have been limited by the poor nature of testing, its unrelaibility ( notorious in the case of Lyme and coinfections) and the costs of testing multiple pathogens. Recently physical exams have become available, which simply diagnosis considerably, enabling it to be preformed in office, and for no cost outside of normal visit fees. While a work in progress, these new methods allow for quick screening of everyone for these conditions.

Once diagnosed, Therapy consists of three main modalities:

  1. Homeopathic Nosodes- Daily administration of a nosode of the chronic infection in question aids the body in mounting an immune response to it, and fighting it off
  2. Hydrotherapy– One of our most powerful modalities, hydrotherapy strengthens the body’s immune response. I have not yet seen someone who has been able to clear an infection completely without hydrotherapy. It is preformed weekly, in most cases, and takes roughly one hour
  3. Herbal therapy- Herbs to strengthen the bodies immune response and dissolve biofilms are given to aid the body in it’s response and shorten the duration of therapy

This therapy is not easy. Signs of systematic immune responses, such as fever, muscle pain, and so forth will occur, and sometimes can be quite dramatic. Most people take 3-6 months to clear their infections, though this can take longer in some cases. But the cost is reasonable, and at the end of therapy, patients report being in better health, with many of their chronic issues resolves, or at least considerably lessened and more ameniable to normal Naturopathic treatment.

Image Credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:IxodesRicinus2048.jpg