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Hello Everyone.

Firstly, I make no claim to any kind of lineage of indigenous teaching on Bison. However, as part of the writing of an upcoming volume of my Table of Animals Series, I triturated the800px-American_bison_k5680-1 hair of a bison upto C12. As I detail here and here, and in this article, it is very common to receive information during triturations of a substance, often with relevance to the particular topic or areas that the particular substance being triturated is therapeutic towards.  The information I received was remarkable, and so as part of the spirit of reconciliation I was moved to make it freely available.

Though it does not derive from any indigenous lineage, but rather from my own trituration of the hair of a bison, I do hope indigenous peoples of the plains, to whom the Bison is greatly significant, will find this work of interest and use to them. I have given the notes upto C12, which I understand as the planetary level of the remedy, along with summaries, and summary charts.

Here on the 21st hour of the 21st day, of the 21st year of the 21st century, I do hope that this work helps you in your on your life path, whatever it is.

The American Bison, or buffalo is a large member of the Bovidae family originally found throughout North America, in the great plains region, as well as in many woodlands habitats, in what has come to be known as “ The Great Bison Belt”. The species once lived in huge herds, many millions strong, and were key drivers of the prairie ecosystem. Bison were hunted to near extinction by European settles, both commercially, and as a form of genocide against Inidiegnous people of the plains, but after reaching a low point in the late 1800s, have rebounded in population, being reintroduced into many locations. The bison was the primary food source of the many diverse Indigenous nations of the North American plains, and was of huge cultural importance to them since the dawn of the bison hunting cultural complex in roughly 8500 BCE. Bison are known as “iiníí” In Blackfoot, “xāní” in Tsuut’ina, “mânî” in Nakota, and “thatanka” in Cree. This species featured in numerous ways throughout all of these cultures, as it provided all food and shelter. One example of this is in the legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman, whose return is signaled by the birth of a white bison, and was a prophet of the Sioux, being the source of the seven sacred ceremonies of their religion. The milk has been triturated by Roland Guenther in 2007 in Millarville Alberta[i], and the hair by myself alone in August 2020 in Calgary from a 6c/3 from I&E Organics, with intent to start again at C1. It is most intriguing to me tht both of these triturations occurred in the greater Calgary/ Treaty 7 region of Alberta, and came to such similar conclusions. I chose this species for trituration due to an intuition that this remedy was needed at a C12 level for activation of the planetary grid system in the prairies, and I hope those peoples of the plains who place importance on the bison will also find this exploration helpful. Perhaps the elaboration of this energy into C12 might aid in the process of reconciliation, just as it did eventually activate the prairie grids to a greater level of functionality.




This first trituration shows a being cultivating a quiet dignity, a slowness of bearing and a steadiness which prevents them from indulging in any poor behavior one’s inner faults may push one towards. Many around the being indulge in this, and it feels a bit of superiority to them, even if they may be quicker and even a bit more clever than it. Symptoms of Prostate stagnation, impotence, inability to let the sex drive manifest, constipation, sluggish digestion, and rumbling and gas, as well as great emotional reticence


Performed August 12th 2020:

  • I can almost smell barn animals. I have this sense of big herbivores around me. That kind of musty simple nature
    • There is a feeling of slowness, of not being as quick or as fast as others around me, may not even be as clever
      • Yet this doesn’t bother me. I have a kind of disdain for quick and clever beings. They’re too flighty, think too highly of themselves, are too clever by half
        • I think my slow dignity is a better course by far
      • There is a kind of seriousness, a slow dignified bearing right now
        • There is great pride in this, but not the hubris kind of pride.
          • Its like an inner dignity
        • Dignity is the key word here. A kind of inner balance in relationship, self constraint
          • I feel like those around me have inner urges, inner faults that they just let run wild
            • There needs to be a kind of inner constraint in social relations
              • A feeling of stagnation in the prostate, impotence, lack of male hormonal secretion, a kind of inability to let the sex drive and sex desires outward
                • Slow sluggish digestion. Lots of rumbling, gas, bloating, due to constipation
              • Great emotional reticence, inability to express, to verbalize, and in more extreme states of pathology, to even notice one has emotions. A kind of stiff presentation squelching all joy, all spontaneity, all fun





The being sees the downside of it’s dignity, in the lack of enjoyment and the lack of participation in the fun and genuineness that ties the rest of society together. The being feels unfairly taken advantage of, and begins to use it’s power to gratify itself, rather than acting appropriately, with it’s dignity and reserve. Constriction of the anal sphincter was noted as a symptom, as well as lack of sex drive, inability to enjoy food.


Performed August 12th 2020:

  • A great sadness of my spirit
    • I feel so low, so tired, so much sadness. I feel the weight of my dignity, what it has cost me, the restraint, and the effect it has
    • I’ve been limited in terms of what I can do with those around me. So much of their lives comes from that kind of genuineness
      • And I can never participate in that. I can be like a stiff dad that isn’t included in the fun times of the family, but is interacted with perfunctorily, for the money and other such matters
        • There is no depth to my interactions, no true joy, just business
          • I’m the dad the kids go to for money, not the dad that is a part of their lives
        • I feel isolated by this dignity, alone. Really frustrated. I seem like the only one who adheres to this
          • I doubt as to whether or not I should
            • I’m reminded of Hank Hill. Constriction of the anal sphincter
            • I’m not even willing to consider going giving this standard up, but I know how much difficulty it causes
              • Depression, sinking of spirits. Lack of joy in life. Lack of sex drive. Inability to enjoy food
            • I’m tired of everyone trying to take advantage of me, of being the only one holding to dignity, and of suffering because of it
              • Sense of letting loose, of indulging myself, taking advantage of one’s power to gratify myself, like a boss who sexually abuses employees
                • A person in authority who embezzles money, or abuses trust to gratify themselves
                  • “ Why should I keep to the rules when no one else does?”




This level of triturations shows the being in a place where it begins to resent those that do not stifle their dreams and adopt the beings position of restraint. An analogy was drawn between and older baby boomer worker and a younger, with the younger telling the older to stop chasing their dreams and “get a real job”. There is great resentment of those that do not do this, a belief that society will collapse if everyone indulges in their desires. There is a more fatherly paternal imposition, or alternately, a more gossipy and relational one, an imposition on those not choosing restraint. In states of health this can be maintained, but as health declines, anger can come outward, and the being can lose the ability to restrain themselves, indulging in abuse of the power that often comes to them due to restraint, eventually addiction and vice, eventually becoming a drain on society themselves through severe addiction. Physical symptoms noted were lower back stiffness and pain, lower libido, and a lack of any kind of passion in life.


Performed August 13th 2020:

  • There is great anger at those that are self indulging
    • I have the opinion that the restraint that I have chosen is the only way for society to flourish
      • If we all let out our inner impulses, there might be chaos. Society will not function. We’ll just be having sex and getting drunk and stoned all the time
        • The family, work, we need these things to survive. Society needs them
          • Everyone should restrain themselves as I have
        • A feeling of imposition, like a busy body concerning themselves with stopping indulgences like fun, dance, parties
          • More fatherly authority in men, more relational aggression and gossip in women
        • Lower back stiffness and pain
          • Lowered libido
          • Lowered passions of all kinds, dullness and boredom to life, not much excitement
            • But excitement is the issue. It needs to be suppressed to keep society functioning
              • The result is my own life having no passion, being dull as dishwater
                • And I resent everyone not making this sacrifice. I see myself as sacrificing my childish passion for society, for the good of society. I resent those that do not. Childish indulgers who need to grow up, get a job, see the real world
                  • A real sense of an older baby boomer worker telling a younger one to stop chasing their dreams and get “a real job”. Encouraging others to stifle their deeper dreams
                    • Anger and bullying if they do not
                  • In states of ill health there is indulgence in that urge, pathological and exploitative, usually entangled with power, eventually addiction, vice, desperation and becoming the drain on society that they always feared being




At this level of trituration the being in the depths of itself, having a deep tendancy to abuse of power and gratification. The fortitude and dignity is a deliberately cultivated compensation for this fault, depending on the beings strength to uphold. Wholesome and goof un, such as board games with family, bike rides, and other such activities recharge the beings strength enabling it to hold fast against the abuse of power more surely, and also making life far more enjoyable in the meantime, relieving the tension and pathology we saw in C1-3.


Performed August 13th 2020:

  • I feel a relaxation, a kindness. I see now that duty and passion need not be opposed
    • I get the sense of a softening, a loosening. Indulgence in fun. A drink on occasion. A fun picnic. A bike ride
      • These things, this fun, does not interfere with my duties
        • It helps actually. Those things recharge myself, recharge me and strengthen my ability to do my duty
      • A distinction occurs: There is fun, and there is abuse of power
        • The fortitude I need to cultivate, when it breaks down, leads to abuse of power, gratifying my lower instincts
          • Sexual abuse of subordinates, corruption, misuse of public resources to my own gain
            • There is a deep tendency to these kinds of abuses and fortitude is a compensation against this, an attitude I cultivate to stop that abuse in myself
              • That fortitude is needed, yet I find now, if I don’t indulge in something that brings me enjoyment, I begin to fail in that, to lose dignity and fortitude and abuse power to satisfy that deep inner need
            • So indulgence in harmless fun is very helpful. It strengthens me to do my duty well, without abuse of power and exploitation
              • Wholesome fun strengthens my resolve. Think of a game of sports, good board games with family, a vacation, a night with a few beers with friends. That kind of thing
                • Sense of a much better life now, much more enjoyable, less austere, more worth living
                  • A much more clear sense of ethics, of not indulging in the nasty abuse of power, which was always a risk the moment my strength to uphold fortitude failed
                • Wholesome fun strengthens and prevents abuse and unwholesome indulgence




This level of trituration shows the being in a place of mild power, as a mid level manager, or the provider for a family. Yet it still finds itself disrespected, not treated seriously by those it has power over. It is greatly tempted to abuse its power, to abuse those being disrespectful to it until they treat the being properly, out of fear if nothing else. The being can contain this urge in states of health, but becomes less and less able to do so as health declines. Adrenal fatigue was mentioned as an additional physical symptom.


Performed August 15th 2020:

  • I feel like a mid level manager, lots of responsibility, not much power. A feeling of plodding along in my life. Marriage, kids, job. Not much respect, power or joy in my life, just a mess of responsibilities
    • A lot of stress, strain. Again I get a sense of constipation, and of great adrenal fatigue
      • A need to keep plodding on, despite being taken for granted, demeaned by everyone, I do actually have a lot of power
        • I’m the provider for my family, despite my spouse demeaning me. I’m responsible for my kids, despite them not respecting me either
          • I need to maintain propriety in all these situations, despite the temptation to abuse this power
        • This is the conflict. It would be so easy to abuse, to abandon my kids unless they do as I wish. I could withhold my spouse until they submit to me. I could use my power to force myself on my subordinates at work, sexually abuse any of them
          • But I must not give into this impulse. I must maintain this stoic stance, indifferent to gratification through all of these challenges, through this lack of respect for me
            • But it is greatly wearying. It’s a very difficult road, and to contain myself seems greatly difficult
              • I can see myself doing it well in a state of health, less so, slipping up a bit, snapping, being a bit of a jerk to assert power in a state of mid level health, then completely losing it, abusing my power more and more until all my life is a state of narcissistic ego gratification and all my relationships end, people just can’t stand me, in states of poor health
                • Becoming more and more aggressive as my adrenals fade, less and less able to take joy in the fun things, as we saw in C4, less and less able to recharge and relax, becoming more and more able unable to rest, more and more unable to sustain my propriety, my restraint




This trituration shows the being in a place of pride. It had previously lacked self respect, and craved power as a reward for the fulfillment of it’s responsibilities as provider, that it can compel respect from others, through it’s abuse. However, pride, and accompanying self respect, is superior to power, more wholesome, and far less potential for corrupt abuse than power. It is internally generated, not dependant on the praise and respect of others to receive, and not requiring the abuse of power to generate. Physical symptoms were noted of a clutching in the chest, loss of breathe, numbness in the heart channel and angina when under stress. Suggestions of pathology, such as sclerosis of the heart, difficulty with expansion of the heart after contraction, and myocardial infarction, micro infarctions, impending heart attack, as well as arterial plaques, and narrowing of the coronary arteries were suggested. It was suggested that this remedy would be excellent drainage for the heart.


Performed August 17th 2020:

  • I feel something more now, pride
    • There is a kind of pride I feel in my role, in my actions well done
      • It is an internally generated feeling, no tone dependent on praise or respect from the outside world
        • In C5 I wanted respect, praise, I wanted Power over others, to go along with my responsibility
      • Sense of heart clutching, of pressing feeling in the heart. As if the coronary arteries were narrowing, a feeling of angina when under stress. Losing breath, numbness in heart channel. Like a contracting of the heart, it struggles to expand, almost a sclerosis feeling
        • Contracting is fine, expansion not
          • Coronary arteries are also contracted
          • Impending heart attack, blockages of plaque and calcium
            • Add in some stress, metabolic syndrome, hypercoagulability and boom, heart attack
              • Scar tissue, difficult expansion, micro infarctions causing the difficult expansion
                • Post myocardial infarction recovery
                  • A good drainage remedy for the heart, big opening of the heart to things beyond power
                    • Like “ A Christmas Carol” but with power instead of money
                  • Power is my drug. I crave it. I want it as a trade off for integrity in fulfilling my responsibilities. A reward. A trade. Yet I find myself now corrupted by it
                    • I grow exploitative, abusive and self gratifying, using those below me in my power
                      • Power corrupted me, yet this pride can fix that. It is a reward independent of power, a kind of self-regard. One that I lacked.
                        • Power made up for that, but that was prone to abuse and corruption. Pride seems to do this in a healthy manner
                          • I lacked pride before, basic self respect. This fulfillment of responsibilities, pride, gives it back to me




This trituration shows the being and it’s society in greater detail. Society itself is mired in a power abuse dynamic, in which those with power routinely, and perhaps even are expected to abuse their power over others to gratify themselves in whatever way they see fit. Corruption and this process of abuse is needed to advance in rank, and to prevent abuse of oneself. The entire system is held in place by low self esteem and ideas about deserving abuse in underlings. The being plays this game of corruption and abuse, at the expense of it’s self respect, which had previously freed it from this need, and also with great temptation to abuse the power it accumulates in similar ways. The entire dynamic of the culture socializes people into abuse of underlings and corruption.


Performed August 19th 2020:

  • I feel my pride fading a little bit. Against power
    • There is a kind of power dynamic in my society, something like a huge structure, unresponsive, ruling over us all, controlling and overpowering everyone
      • It’s toxic, they are embracing the awful traits I have struggled against by cultivating my restraint and dignity. But they have none
        • All they have is power, and infinite corruption. I can feel their abuses, the humiliation of others, of me, to gratify themselves
        • I can feel their rearrangement of society and culture to preserve and expand their power
      • Power and corruption are the languages of society. Play or be played
        • Pride is not enough to get me by here
          • I need to play the game, acquire power, scramble after it, and use it in a way to expand my own power
            • I need to be corrupt to expand my own power, to avoid being victimized by someone else in this society
              • I am trying to do so while maintaining whatever integrity I can, being only as corrupt as I need to be to play the game, but this is proving difficult
                • I’m tempted to gratify myself, to abuse my power to feed those inner urges we discussed earlier
                • The temptation to abuse the power I accumulate is huge, especially while engaging with the game and utilizing corruption of other kinds
              • A sense of great social pathology. Our society has a power/abuse dynamic. Those without power and influence are looked down upon, not considered, scorned. Not actively persecuted, but not really considered either
                • Abuse toward them is tolerated, even perhaps expected
                  • There is even a deep inner shame about not having power, an expectation of abuse, perhaps even a message or a belief that one deserves it
                • Our culture is founded on abuse of power, and the powerless accepting abuse, with all kinds of low self esteem reasons for that




This level of trituration shows the being in a place of permanent personal empowerment. With this, it can step out of the shame/power dynamic that is inevitably leads to the kind of corruption and abuse we’ve seen so far in this remedy. Those with power are no longer interested in abuse, and those without it no longer have the shame needed to accept this kind of treatment. With inherent pride in oneself available to all, not based on doing any particular abilities or having power, then society can collectively shift out of the abuse/power dynamic.


Performed August 20th 2020:

  • I feel a lot of contentment now. I’m not so concerned anymore with the power games of my society. It’s like I have stepped out of them. They no longer effect me
    • I didn’t see earlier that power games were an entire system, one that required willing participation. The shame/power/abuse dynamic
      • Abuse of power requires shame, some aspect of willing participation to succeed
        • Without it, the person being abused simply will not tolerate this. They’ll leave, report it to a superior, or end it in some other way
      • Power over others and abuse need a lack of power and shame and acceptance to occur
        • In particular this dynamic
          • Now it seems as if people are just walking away from this dynamic, no longer ashamed of themselves, with inherent pride, not only because they do X, Y and Z, or have any external but because they inherently are
            • This leads one to not accept this nonsense, but to inherently assert oneself healthfully, not at the expense or abuse of others
          • I get the sense of participating in the games of the power struggles still, but not truly caring
            • Its like power has no real draw anymore, outside this dynamic
              • I’m no longer willing to take abuse, and giving it has lost it’s appeal
            • This feeling of pride comes with an inherent respect for others’ dignity. A complete respect for their autonomy, their inherent rights, and their choices
              • Power over self, and allowing others to have power over themselves, the most equitable use of power
                • Leadership still exists, but among equals, not in power over




This set of trituration shows the being in a place when it is in a viscous cycle. The holding of any kind of power or responsibility drains it’s vitality, in the effort to avoid abusing it. Society itself also drains the being, piling strains and stress upon it. This pushes the being closer to abusing power, which causes disruption within society, individuals leaving or being damaged, rippling out from society’s now damaged vital force to the planet, increasing the likelihood of natural disasters such as weather events, earthquakes, plagues and climate disasters.


Performed August 25th 2020:

  • I feel exhausted, incredibly fatigued, drained of most vitality. So fatigued. Like my responsibilities have finally fatigued me
    • Feeling of failure, of giving up. I just don’t deserve any power, no matter what I do, I will abuse it
      • It’s an inverse issue, the healthier my vitality, the less I will abuse power. But power itself, and this struggle to keep from abusing it, will drain my vitality
        • The act of withholding from abuse drains my vitality. More power, more drain. And it’s not the only thin. I feel a kind of external drain on the vital force
          • It’s society, a pile on of stress, strain, problems, worry. A thousand burdens laid upon my back, designed to activate distress, cause oxidative stress, deplete my vitality and make it easier for me to abuse my power
            • This is a deliberate attempt to ensure I will abuse my power, to create a super stressful culture in which this occurs
              • A way to constantly drain vitality, not only to ensure a base of power, but also to drain everyone else’s vitality too
                • We’re all at our worst. Yet there is more to it than the social
              • There is some bigger consequence of the abuse of my vitality that I first thought
                • It’s awful. Awful cosmic consequences. Abuse of power disrupts society, causes individuals to lose faith in it, rupture with it, remove themselves from it, leaving a wound, a disruption in the vital force of society, one which ripples out into the universe, causing chaos
                  • Natural disasters, plagues, earthquakes, disasters, social chaos, everything
                    • It’s like society is setting this up to happen by stressing me out!




This level of trituration shows the being coming to terms with the basic nature of power. Power itself is inherently corrupting, inherently dominating, in addition to containing beneficial aspects, which I refer to as leadership. The being is using it’s vitality to resist the corrupted aspects of power, and this is greatly draining. The being also is afflicted by the redox miasm, a defect of most humans at this point in time, in which the acupuncture channels are unable to discharge excess electrons, enabling a persistent buildup of chronic stress and oxidized particles with the body. This level of trituration shows the being becoming able to lessen the burden of this miasm, thus allowing it much more vitality to resist the temptations and corrupt aspects of power.


Performed August 25th 2020:

  • I feel better, somewhat relaxed
    • I think I’ve gotten a lot of stress under control, a lot of the extraneous factors draining out my vitality. I very much less drained by the many stresses of the world, less crowded, with the channels able to clear the oxidative buildup of chronic stress, which makes me less vitally drained
      • I can now resume my resistance to the temptation of power
        • That is still draining my vitality of power, but I can sustain it, barely
      • The issue is, I think, the nature of power. Power is, at this level, inherently corrupting
        • There is a profound need for power in society, for leadership and direction
          • Yet this power is corrupted in some way. It is inherently twisted. It dominates, rather than aids, overpowers rather than inspires, controls rather than uplifts
            • The abuse I engaged in wasn’t a corruption of power, it was it’s inherent nature
              • My vitality is trying to engage in power, while not engaging in these aspects
                • It is resisting the corrupting influence of power to engage the needed, good aspects of leadership
                  • “absolute power corrupts absolutely”
                • I’m resisting those bad aspects but it is metabolically and energetically costly. Very stressful. Throws me into the redox miasm state
                  • To add much more to this overwhelms the being, and the resistance to the corruption of power declines
                    • But for now, my stress neutralizing channels are finally functioning, restoring my ability to cope with stress




Power is something which is miasmatically corrupted to a slight degree in all humans. We tend to pool our own individual power in leaders. At a small scale, the beings in whom power has been invested can purify it, avoiding the unpleasant aspect of it, but at a large scale, the beings vitality is overwhelmed. The beings culture has an innate tendency to concentrates power in few or even single individuals, inevitably overwhelming their vitality, corrupting them, and making the many atrocities of human history inevitable.


Performed August 26th 2020:

  • I feel this crushing sensation everywhere around me
    • Pressure, worry
    • I feel I am in the most awful parts of human history. The genocides, the wars, everything. It’s like I’m experiencing the whole history of human abuse of power. I’m experiencing it all right now
      • The pain, suffering and abuse. Concentration camps, wars, institutions, all of it
      • This is the consequence of abuse of power, the inevitable results of the kind of despair and suffering
        • This is the inevitable result of the abuse of power, as it exists in human society. It will eventually corrupt everyone, and will result in this kind of horror, whether in the near or short term. It all bends towards this level of inhumanity, eventually
      • I feel like a ruler who had the best of intentions to improve society, but eventually succumbed to this, became corrupted, and ended up at the head of a war, genocide, institution of suffering, etc.
        • The arc of the universe, or society, of society, now bends towards injustice, towards this kind of abuse
          • Something makes it so, some aspect of society, of reality, does this. The nature of society does this. Society makes power to … powerful
            • It obliterates the power of the individual, transferring it to someone else, gives them power over an individual
              • It is a zero sum game, the transfer of power to one central person, who is unable to use their vitality to purify this much power. It is too much
                • Small power, I could metabolize, avoid the excesses, but this… It literally seems as if it is an energy all humans posess, one of self agency and direction, one of which we all have a bit of, which is mildly corrupt in all, biologically, due to our collective miasms
                • We can, depending on the ability of the vitality, overcome this taint to our own personal power, perhaps power over a small group, but not at this scale
                  • What would such a metabolism look like even?
                  • A return of purified power back to the individual?
                  • Use of pooled collective ability instead of permanently taking power?




This final trituration shows the being gaining the ability to transform power, almost alchemically, eliminating the negative aspects of it, and is strengthened by this, rather than drained. The being does this on a personal level, retaining personal power, and bestowing power upon others temporarily, and with a specific mandate, when leadership is needed. The beings vitality can transform power even when bestowed upon it at national and global levels, and when this power is bestowed upon them by others, it will be transformed into organic, uncorrupted power. When returned, the beings receiving their power back will be transformed by healthier power, uplifted, and society gradually transformed.


Performed August 12th 2020:

  • Better, much better. I can feel the shift in my vitality now, transforming power, as it is practiced in this culture
    • I can feel my vital force shifting- first in it’s own power, it is the determination of one’s own course in life, choice, self empowerment, yet contained within the self, not assuming of forcing for others
      • Power over myself, respectful of others
    • My transformation of my vitality has shifted the power of my own life, and socially. Now power is not taken and given to someone
      • It is temporarily bestowed on someone, for a specific purpose, and quickly withdrawn if they fail, or when the task is completed
        • It is not taken, but bestowed temporarily
          • If I find myself in such a position, I can use this power, but this shift in my vitality to transform the power bestowed upon me alchemically, like I transformed mine
            • Making the power bestowed upon me, returning it to others when it is time
              • Spreading this power about, transforming power in society
            • I can now metabolize even the higher levels of power at a national or global level effectively, transforming and returning power when done
              • My vitality is no longer drained by this. It is empowered by this transformation of power, made more powerful
                • In many cases giving me the strength to actively do this work, enact my mandate and leadership
              • I see a strengthening of society, and a reduction in the chaos it creates in the natural world, the restoration of equilibrium, a state of social harmony, one we haven’t had in the western world in many years
                • This is the energy the world needs right now, as the abuse of power, a strongly malarial trait, is responsible for much of the current predicament


Trituration Set Summary
C1-4 This set of triturations shows the being with a deep tendency to abuse of power and influence towards self gratification. It compensates for this with the cultivation of fortitude, of a sense of quiet dignity and resolve that keeps the being acting ethical, but which require a great deal of effort and strength to uphold. The beings reinforcement of its strength and fortitude can however create an attitude in which any enjoyment whatsoever is suspect. There can be resentment of those who do not cultivate fortitude, or who indulge in harmless fun and enjoyment. One can look down upon them, or a feeling of being taken advantage of by these individuals. In states of health these resentments can be suppressed, but as the health declines, the being can begin to express them, expressing anger, trying to destroy the joy of others and force them to adopt the beings posture of fortitude. In the worst states of health the being can lose the strength it needs to maintain fortitude, and can begin to abuse its power for self gratification, abuse subordinates sexually, using resources that don’t belong to it to enrich itself, as well as many other kinds of vice and addiction. In the worst stage of health the being can no longer fulfill any pretense of duty, is despised by others for it’s abuse of power, alone and despised by society. Physical symptoms of prostate stagnation, impotence, inability to let the sex drive manifest, inability to enjoy sex, constipation, constriction of the anal sphincter, sluggish digestion, adrenal fatigue, lower back stiffness and pain, and rumbling and gas in the digestive system, as well as great emotional reticence a lack of any kind of passion in life. True healing for the being comes in the ability to indulge in wholesome enjoyment that does not debase the being, things like board games, parties, enjoyable gatherings with friends, an occasional drink or two with good company, family outings, bike rides and other such wholesome activities do not weaken the fortitude of the being and make one prone to vice, but rather make life more enjoyable, strengthening the vitality so that it can better support fortitude and dignity for the being, and prevent the deterioration vitality that prevents the abuse of power the being is so vulnerable to.
C5-8 This set of triturations goes into the internal social dynamics which furnish the background in which the individual situation of C1-4 occur. There exists within this society a power/shame dynamic, in which all individuals suffer a fundamental lack of self respect and dignity. This self respect makes them prone to accepting abuse from others, and accepting of relationships based on abuse. This social dynamic does not allow for individuals to have any kind of self respect outside of the performance of certain duties, such as providers for families, doing certain jobs well, or possessing power themselves. Society itself becomes a game of power acquisition, with individuals willing to acquire it at any cost. Once acquired, power will be abused, utilized to compel respect in those without power, often with horrendous abuse, such as verbal abuse, physical abuse, corruption and misuse of resources and compelling sex, which is accepted due to inherent shame, creating respect from an external source, or fear at the very least, to replace inward respect. This dynamic in fact further reduces the self respect of beings, forcing them to do horrible things in pursuit of power and external respect. True healing for the being involves inherent pride in oneself available to all, not based on doing any particular thing, or having power. This allows them to both not abuse power to receive external respect and fear, and to refuse to accept abuse out of shame. At this point society can collectively shift out of the abuse/power dynamic, towards one based on healthy leadership. Suggestions of pathology, such as adrenal fatigue, sclerosis of the heart, difficulty with expansion of the heart after contraction, and myocardial infarction, micro infarctions, impending heart attack, as well as arterial plaques, and narrowing of the coronary arteries were suggested. It was suggested that this remedy would be excellent drainage for the heart.
C9-12 This set of triturations shows the nature of power in the current society, and it’s miasmatic influences. Power in society has two components, one, unhealthy, is based on power over, compulsion and assuming control over the lives of others permanently. Healthy power involves leadership, pooling the inherent power of self direction of individuals in leaders for specific purposes (or for specific mandates) for limited amounts of time and returning it when the time is expired, or when the particular mandate is completed. The miasms present in society (the redox, or malarial miasm) corrupt all power from the individual level upwards, affecting all individuals in which collective power is bestowed. Depending on the degree to which the individual is afflicted by the miasm, they will be able to metabolise corrupted power bestowed on them to a certain extent, often at great cost to their vitality. When individuals are afflicted by the miasm, their energy fields can not metabolize the negative aspects of power to positive power, and are inevitably driven to negative expressions of power. The saying “absolute power corrupts absolutely” comes to mind here. Too much power in too large a group of people will inevitably corrupt an individual and lead to the expression of negative power. Abuse of power in this manner will cause social disruption, with individuals being adversely affected and removing themselves from society, rupturing the social energy body, and rippling outwards to affect the vitality of the planet, increasing the frequency of natural disasters and social disasters. In individuals that have cleared this miasm, the vitality is not weakened, but rather strengthened by metabolizing power from a negative to a healthy state, and can handle large amounts of power without corruption and without indulging in negative aspects of power, instead engaging with leadership. When the power they hold is returned to the individuals that have bestowed it upon them the purified power transforms the individuals, if they themselves have not become able to metabolize their power, accelerating their clearance of the miasm, and accelerating their evolution as individuals, as a society, and the planet itself.


Worldview and Summary:


The worldview of this remedy presents a great deal of information concerning power, and it’s relationship to social customs and miasms. Power, in its natural state, is the ability to make choices over one’s own life and the possibilities available to one, under the direction of ones own thoughts, beliefs and vital force. This power is a literal substance, an energy, which suffuses the vital force, but is somewhat mobile, able to be transferred between individuals.

In healthy societies, power of the individual is occasionally given to leaders for specific purposes (or mandates), with specific timelines, to accomplish specific tasks. When the mandate expires or the task is completed, power is returned to those it is bestowed upon.


Power however can be corrupted within the vitality of an individual afflicted by miasms. This remedy focuses on the malarial miasm, or the redox miasm, as I term it. I strongly suspect other issues of power from other miasms will also be present within other remedies, and likely also remedies closely associated with the bison species, such as within the Artiodactyls. The malarial miasm corrupts power, turns it from self determination, and temporary willingness to entrust ones personal power into others for leadership in specific tasks, to one of domination, of control over others, and absolute power over the choices of others.


In particular this miasm institutes a shame power dynamic. In this dynamic, the inherent positive self regard of a healthy individual is removed, leading to an inherent shame over the self, a feeling of unworthiness, and of deserving abuse and mistreatment. The possession of power, or the fulfillment of certain roles, such as providing for others, are the only ways one may escape this shame. However, by avccumulating power within such a diseased framework, particularly the unhealthy version of power we discussed abuse, abuse of underlings and abuse become inevitable. Individuals in these society either end up being abused by those in power over them, or abuse underlings. They either end up feeling worthless for being provided for by others, or providing for others, and deriding those they provide for.


In this kind of environment, the main conflict of the being revolves around abuse of power, and resisting the temptation to abuse the negative power the being has accumulated, which is all that is available in it’s cultural environment, to avoid being abused. In states of health the being can resist this temptation, though at great cost to their vital force. In weaker states of health they become less able to resist temptation, and abuse emerges. Eventually they lose all control, end up mired in vice and addiction, despised by society, and powerless.


Physical symptoms were especially prominent in this trituration. They include adrenal fatigue, prostate stagnation, impotence, inability to let the sex drive manifest, inability to enjoy sex, constipation, sluggish digestion, adrenal fatigue, lower back stiffness and pain, and rumbling and gas in the digestive system. Suggestions of pathology, such as sclerosis of the heart, difficulty with expansion of the heart after contraction, and myocardial infarction, micro infarctions, impending heart attack, as well as arterial plaques, constriction of the anal sphincter and narrowing of the coronary arteries were suggested. It was suggested that this remedy would be excellent drainage for the heart.


Trituration Summary
C1 The being feels that it, and many in its society have a number of faults which can cause some very poor behavior, but cultivates a slowness, a dignity which prevents it from indulging in these faults. Symptoms of prostate stagnation, impotence, inability to let the sex drive manifest, constipation, sluggish digestion, and rumbling and gas, as well as great emotional reticence
C2 The being feels it is taken advantage of with its dignity, and that is misses out on the genuineness and fun that those lacking such reserve use to link themselves together, it beings to abuse it’s power, using it to gratify itself, rather than acting appropriately.
C3 The being feels it is the only one holding to restraint, and that is is being both taken advantage of, and missing out on the shared fun and genuineness that links much of society together. It can begin to get angry at others, forcing them to adhere to restraint, or it can begin to abuse it’s power to gratify itself, eventually becoming mired in vice and addiction, a burden on society, what it hates the most.
C4 The being has a deep inner tendency to abuse power, which it compensates for by cultivating dignity and fortitude, which is maintained by the beings strength, and which fails the moment the beings strength falters. Wholesome fun recharges the being, enabling it to be stronger and more able to resist temptation.
C5 The being has power over others that are disrespectful to it, and is greatly tempted to use it’s power to abuse them, to ensure their respect out of fear, if nothing else. Adrenal fatigue was mentioned as an additional symptom.
C6 The being had previously lacked self respect, and craved power as a reward for fulfilling it’s responsibilities to compensate, using power to compel respect from others. However, pride for fulfilling its responsibilities is also possible, and is not dependent on any external respect or praise. Physical symptoms were noted of a clutching in the chest, loss of breathe, numbness in the heart channel and angina when under stress. Suggestions of pathology, such as sclerosis of the heart, difficulty with expansion of the heart after contraction, and myocardial infarction, micro infarctions, impending heart attack, as well as arterial plaques, and narrowing of the coronary arteries were suggested. It was suggested that this remedy would be excellent drainage for the heart.
C7 The being’s culture is founded on a power/abuse dynamic, in which individuals are expected to strive for power and use it to gratify themselves and abuse those without power, founded on an expectation of abuse, even an idea of deserving it, due to low self esteem, in those without power. In order to gain power for itself, the being must engage in corruption and abuse, at the expense of the self respect and pride which freed it from this cycle in C6, and with great temptation to abuse others.
C8 The being steps fully into self respect and self empowerment, inherently, not dependent on possessing power, or doing particular duties, allowing it to step fully out of the shame/power dynamic, and for society to do so as well. The powerless refuse to accept abuse, and the powerful are no longer attracted to it.
C9 The being must use it’s vitality to resist abusing power, with more power demanding more vitality. Society also piles stress and strain upon the being, further draining the vitality and increasing the likelihood of the being giving in. Giving in and abuse of power ruptures society, giving individuals a reason to leave and distance themselves, wounding the vital force of society, and rippling out into the universe, increasing the likelihood of natural disasters.
C10 Power itself is inherently corrupting, having beneficial leadership aspects, but other aspects of coercion and overpowering. The being uses it’s vitality to resist the negative aspects of power, but finds this very draining. The malarial miasm also drains the being, leaving it less vitality to resist power, and making such resistance far less than it could be. This level reduces the miasm, freeing up vitality for struggle against the corruption of power.
C11 Power is inherently corrupt, but at a small scale, the vitality can overcome this corruption. However, society inherently tends to concentrate power in individuals, or small groups, overwhelming their vitality, making it impossible for them to purify that much power, and making inevitable the atrocities we see throughout human history.
C12 The being is now strengthened my metabolizing power to an organic good form, rather than its old corrupt form. It retains self autonomy, but will give power temporarily to leaders, with a clear mandate, and it is returned when the task is complete. Beings at this level of health can metabolize power at the national and global levels, and upon its return, all their citizens will receive purified power, transforming them, and society as a whole.

[i] Guenther, R. Bison Milk. Online document accessed December 2nd 2020. https://vancouverislandhomeopathy.com/bison-milk/

Image Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:American_bison_k5680-1.jpg