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Hi Everyone. Sorry for the extended delay in posting. I’ve been very busy writing my book and compiling information for a webinar I will be teaching. Like most Canadians I am observing the American federal election closely. As such I did watch the debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump last night.

After watching the debate last night and then watching the interaction on social media the next day, I began to wonder what role the state plays in the current media and social media coverage of the American election.

The sheer fury of the reactions to both candidates exceeds anything that their actual words could say. It would seem as if we as a culture are all engaged in a massive exercise in projection and in triggering of the state in response to this.

One particular meme that stood out for me was Hillary Clinton’s fly. Apparently during the second debate a Fly landed on Clinton’s Blouse and Face. The internet reaction was immediate. From jokes about her being a zombie, to memes claiming that flies are attracted to bullshit.

I find this a fascinating comparison to Ms. Clinton’s former Primary Rival, Senator Bernie Sanders. In March a small bird landed on Mr Sander’s podium. It was treated by his support base as an almost divine sign of favor.

The comparison between the Homeopathic pictures of these two animals is illuminating. The birds in general are focused on freedom, an almost ethereal state in which they can reach their potential live their joy. The main focus in birds is on the things that keep them from realizing this state. Bernie Sanders’ main issue, especially towards the end of the debate was the mutual hostility between his supporters and the established members of the Democratic Party. He had an almost idealistic vision which was obstructed by an outside force.

The Flies, or more specifically Diptera are a smaller group of remedies. They too aspire to a state of Freedom and fulfillment, but800px-hoverfly07 often find themselves trying to achieve it through their callings, a specific affinity or destiny in the world. In contrast to other more attractive remedies such as the Butterflies, the diptera find themselves despised for this. They embrace their affinity, which in the remedies we know so far, usually involves some activity that is socially frowned upon.

Flies are, in a sense, victims of their societies bias towards their affinity. Each individual fly remedy has its own affinity. Musca domestica ( housefly) has dirt and garbage. Lucilla (corpsefly) has death and decay. Each species has its own reaction to the disdain it feels as well, which can range from simple self destructive self loathing to indifference.

On a deeper level however, Flies are truly transformative species. They are concerned with transforming their affinity, bringing it into the light of day and rehabilitating it. Healing it in a certain way. They are concerned with transforming the world and healing its flaws and imperfections.

The great issue with the flies is their potential to not be able to transform and heal whatever they have an affinity with. They can become mired and trapped by it, corrupted in a sense.

This narrative reminded me greatly of Secretary Clinton’s own life story. She has endured by any measure a huge amount of nastiness and abuse from her political opponents over the last several decades. She seems to have a great desire to make the world a better place, in the way she believes is best. From watching her speeches I suspect she is deeply hurt by accusations of being untrustworthy, and the general level of acrimony directed at her for pursuing this inner calling. This narrative matches the Flies perfectly.

I am not aware of a Fly remedy with an affinity to Politics. However, I suspect there is one out there, and if so, it might make an interesting option for Secretary Clinton who is said to be a user of Homeopathy.

Image Credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hoverfly07.jpg